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3YOURMIND Announces Automated Pricing for Metal 3D Printing

News 3YOURMIND | November 16, 2016 | 5 min read

In order to meet the production demands of industrial uses, Additive Manufacturing is becoming increasingly oriented on metal. 3YOURMIND, the leading provider of 3D printing software solutions, has announced the world’s first fully automated price calculation and management tool - specifically for metal printing. They provide 3D print services to Enterprise customers who are surging towards a fully automated workflow for metal. For more information, you can visit 3YOURMIND, the Startup Challenge Winners at formnext 2016, Stand B60H.

BERLIN                                                                                                                                                                           16th. NOVEMBER, 2016                                                                                                                                           3YOURMIND

Complexity Limits the Potential Metal Manufacturing

One of the largest open horizons for additive manufacturing is consistent 3D printing in metal. For producers of high performance parts such as engine components for the automotive industry, gears for wind turbines, pipe fittings for the aerospace industry - metals are the only materials that can provide the technical specifications to withstand those uses.

However, producing components in metal relies on a complex matrix of variables to produce reliable results. Unlike production in thermoplastics, the finishing of the metal parts can result in significant differences to the structural integrity of the final product. Additionally, there are often 2 or 3 different steps that need to be applied to the process to ensure the final result.

Until now, this has been handled with an extended quoting and communication process that often required 10 - 15 points of contact to finalize a single metal print. It is a stumbling block that has significantly slowed the spread of the technology.


Software Solutions Enable Advanced Production

Over the past several years, 3YOURMIND has emerged as the leading software solution provider to enable production workflows for Industry 4.0. Now 3YOURMIND is announcing a module for metal printing developed in close partnership with 3D printing service providers. All pricing functionality is applied in real time so that the feedback can be cycled directly back into the product. Furthermore communication and documentation of the various steps remains fully transparent and automated between the designing engineer and the printer operator.

Stephan_Kuehr_3YD.png“Over the past year, the entire industry has been searching for an automated and accurate system to quote and document Metal Additive Manufacturing in real time. The results from 3YOURMIND’s closed beta have shown very promising results, so that we will provide this functionality to all our customers in the near future.

Stephan Kühr, CEO

Automating the metal production process has several key impacts on the production cycle.

  • A step-by-step ordering process means a more reliable output and better customer satisfaction
  • The most significant variable cost in metal production is direct customer interaction. The platform reduces this cost.
  • Online Collaboration Tools, improve the clarity of production descriptions and leave an auditable production trail.
  • 3YOURMIND’s model analyzation tools ensure that files are prepared specifically for the selected material.

As these advanced production tools get implemented by 3D Print Service Providers and Enterprise Customers, it will lower the barrier of entry and cost for businesses to integrate metal additive manufacturing into their work process.


Accessing Advanced Tools

3YOURMIND’s metal pricing is currently available as part of a closed beta for 3YOURMIND 3D Print Service Providers using their eCommerce solutions. Companies who are interested in a demo can setup a meeting with 3YOURMIND at formnext, Hall 3.1 Stand B60H where the winners of the formnext “Startup Challenge”will be exhibiting their software solutions.